Tuesday, August 23, 2011


So it's Tuesday if you couldn't tell by the title, and it has been pretty good so far.  I go up at 7 this morning, (well 6:45 if you count just laying there dreading to get up)  and got ready and hit the gym.  Did 400 calories on the eliptical...and it felt dang great!  So I just had to toot my horn a little bit for me saying that day 1 of my hopes in getting in early was a success.  But now, I must say that I am a little tired and trying to get through the morning.  This I know is due to staying up a little too late. 

The little man LOVES sports.  Pretty much any kind he has seen so far.  With the boyfriend liking sports too, (I think if he had his way, ESPN would be on ALL THE TIME!)  Nicolas well enough gets this from him.  I love sports too.  But I am a football girl.  Love it! With football season coming up, we love to watch the games, and I am getting really excited.  So anyways, we also keep up with baseball.  We took Nic to the minor league game the other week for the first time, and he LOVED it!  All we heard was ball! With Summer coming to an end, the local minors are doing a promotion with our paper where there was 1 free coupon per paper for a free ticket.  With our paper, and the neighbors who generously gave us their coupons, we are going tonight...for a grand total of .75!  (Which was the cost of the paper.)  How great is that?!?  So that is our plans for tonight.  A good family outing.  Pair that up with Kids Tuesdays at Firehouse subs, and we are going to get a game and a dinner for under $10! 

School started yesterday, and I had my first class, and it went pretty well.  It was my last first day of school.  At least until I decide that I really want to go back for my RN.  But that is another post. :)

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