Tuesday, August 16, 2011

An Introduction...

So I originially started this blog for myself to document all of my son's first years, but never really got around to doing it.  I am determined to start. Now.  There is a lot of changes happening and hopefully...no, I will keep up with it. 

I want this blog to be about my whole life, not just my son.  Now, I could go all day about him, and would love to, but, I just have so much other stuff going on.

Let me tell you about myself.  I am a stay at home mommy, and a full-time student.  This is where all my time goes.  Nic is 23 mos. old, and a handfull.  He gets into everything.  We are introducing the potty to him for a few months now, and I think it may go into active training soon.  And he is still addicted to the pacifier.  Horrible, I know.  But we are working on it.  And I think we can get it gone soon.  I go to school full time and this is my last semester!! So I am so excited but I am dreading trying to find a job.  I have put in a few apps, but no word yet.  I kinda want to just stay home with him now, and focus.  This is where my amazing fiance comes in.  He works all that he can, and lets me stay at home.  Let me reword that.  He doesn't LET me, but he doesn't mind.  It makes more sense anyways.  For the cost of daycare would be all my checks would go to if I were working.  And it will be a trade off.  He is going back to school when I get done.  He wants to better himself and I am all for it.  We live with my mom and once we both get out of school, we will look into buying our own place.  It is just not practical right now. 

So now, to my most recent endevour...

I have recently started going to the Y and working out.  I have done it the past two days, but took a break off today, because I really am sore.  And...I think I am getting sick.  So I am just not feeling up to doing anything but laying here in bed.  I know I can't lay here all day, but I am going to lay here with the little man while he watches a movie.  But back to the gym.  I want to lose weight.  I want to be active with my son.  I am active for the most part, but I really am not in great heatlth.  I need to lose weight.  I am a big girl, and I am tired of it.  I look at it this way...even if I lose 5 pounds, that's 5 pounds less than before.  I am SO excited about this.  They have a child watch so I can take Nic there, and let him play with the TONS of toys they have and make new little friends, while I work out.  My problem is more in the eating area.  I don't like a lot of foods, and the foods that I do like, aren't very healthy.  And I am an emotional eater.  BIG time.  If I am stressed, I tend to eat.  Or sad, or mad.  I have gotten better at realizing this, but it still tends to be a problem.  I have always been the big girl, and I think that's why I am not "flipping" out about it, but it is time for a change.  Hopefully by documenting it, I will be more likely to stick to it. 

I love crafts, and organization.  So I will be posting about my adventures in those areas as well. 

So there is most about me...You will learn more I am sure, but for now, I must say goodbye and put that dreaded load of laundry up. :)

1 comment:

  1. I hope you feel better! Hopefully, you will feel up to going to the Y tomorrow! ;) You can do it!
