Thursday, August 18, 2011

Pretty Proud...

Here I sit again with the little man as we watch Spongebob, and can't help but to procrastinate cleaning.  So I will at least get one goal done and post this. :)

Went to the gym today and worked out...but leaving Nic wasn't as well as my workout was.  He cried...LOUD.  And took him 15 mins to calm down.  I always get nervous about leaving him anywhere.  Yes, even with Grandparents.  My mom is sick, and Brian's mom...well, we don't should I say  No, we clash.  She is always somehow slipping in insults to me.  Most of the time it is about the way I raise our child.  Or how we are waiting a couple years to have another.  We have been in a few tangles, and it's always been tension between us.  So I don't like for Nicolas to go over there.  He becomes a HELLION when he comes home because he doesn't get disciplined over there, and I don't agree with that.  So we don't let him go often, and often, I hear that I hover too much, or I need to let him get out.  HES 2! He needs discipline and schedule, which he doesn't get there, and why am I going to send him if not? So that is my rambling on for today. :)

So anyways, I rode the stationary bike for 3 miles, but only burned 70 calories.  Seriously?  That took me 12 minutes.  I do the elliptical and burn 100 calories in 10 minutes.  So I think I will stick to that.  I haven't been weighing myself yet but I plan to get a scale.  The one they have at the Y is one of the manual ones, and I really don't like those. :)  (I'd rather take the easy way and let the scale do the work for me...HA) 

So we (Nicolas, Brian, and myself) live with my mom in a 2 bedroom.  It is rather cramped.  So I have been determined to get the most of our space lately.  We plan to get our own place, but right now, it is just not practical.  We don't live here for free, I wouldn't do that.  But we definitly don't pay as much as we would with our own place.  Brian is the only one working, while I go to school and it works out really well that way.  I was working but it got to the point to where I would only see my family less time that I wanted.  They are too important for me to miss so much.  So that's our choice.  I can live with it and Nic can definitly live with having his MawMaw here everyday. :)

We have this awkward space in our bedroom, which we share with Nic, so we decided to make it a play corner for him.  Its like an extra cubby hole so to say.  It used to have storage totes with all of his older clothes, but we have put them into our closet and this makes it 10x better in the room.  I love it! 

School starts Monday, and it is my last semester!! Woo! I guess I am kinda dreading it though.  It takes a lot of time.  I am doing one class at school and 3 online.  It'll work out though.  :)

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