Friday, August 26, 2011

Can't contain my excitement!!!

So the first of the week went well, started school and all...then Wednesday, this happens...

That's a creek at our house. My wonderful boyfriend put our BEAUTIFUL mustang into it. Now, I must explain that it was an accident. We forgot the trash to be put to the road for pickup so he noticed when he pulled off for work...then while he was getting it from behind the house, it popped out of gear and rolled down our road into the creek. It's mostly dried up, but there are a TON of rocks in it. Therefore, there is a pretty decent amount of damage on the bumpers. Mostly paint, but it buckled in the front at the bottom.

So then we took Nicolas to the baseball game that night before and Nicolas got two balls! But he got excited, threw one down the steps, stumbled and I had to grab his arm to keep him from breaking his face...okay, not breaking it, but getting hurt bad. And he ended up getting Nursemaids elbow...again. Basically this is a sprain to the elbow according to the docs. And he was playing that next night, and done it again after we were home from the ER. I popped it back in. But the doctor has concerns if it happens again that there maybe some developmental muscle issues.

Could our luck get any worse??

Not worse, but it did get better!!! I won a free portrait package from a studio. Worth $50. Great right?

BUT...the biggest thing of all...Brian's step-sister won tickets to see my all time fav. band, Avenged Sevenfold in DC...and she had 2 extra. And she is giving them to us!!! HOLY BEJEZZ can you believe it! I cannot contain my excitement. Brians dad is watching Nic for the night for us so we can go. I have been on pins and needles since I found out since I am so excited. :) YAY!!

So until next time, since I figured out how to post pics, a pic of my little man with his baseballs he got. He turns two in like 20 days...but that is another post all in itself. :)

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